
In John 15:5, Jesus says,

“I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

Our Vision

Christchurch Riverside is a place where people of all ages and stages of life can come to know Jesus by studying His Word, the Bible, together.

Jesus Christ is the heart of Christianity and the Bible teaches us that when we abide in Jesus (by learning to trust and obey Him), we will find meaning in life.

That is why studying the Bible is at the heart of all that we do. No matter where you are in life, there’s always something to learn from the reading and application of God’s Word.

Join us at our Sundays gatherings and weekday Bible studies as we listen to Jesus’ life-giving Word!

Our Staff

Tim Williams

Born in Devon, England, Tim grew up in Wakayama, Japan. He served at St Helen’s Bishopsgate, London for 5 years and studied at Oakhill College before starting and pastoring the church of Christchurch Riverside in 2020. Tim is married to Ai with two sons.

Philip Glass

Born in England, with a degree in Math and Physics at Cambridge and Durham, Philip once worked at a researcher at Keio University and is married to Sunny with three children. His desire is for the Japanese people to come to know and hope in Jesus, so he left his academic career behind, and has been working at Christchurch Riverside since 2023. He is doing an internship at St Helen’s Bishopsgate at the moment.

Our Partners

Riverside Christian Church works under the auspices of these global partners.

The Crossing Church


Gunnersbury Baptist Church


St Helen's Bishopsgate


Japan Christian Link


I'm so excited about the reality that is Christchurch Riverside - what a blessing for Tokyo to have this faithful, loving community, eager to know Christ and make him known; and so convinced that God builds his Church through the proclamation of his word.
Henry Eatock Taylor
St Helen's Bishopsgate, London
Christchurch Riverside is a warm vibrant community where the gospel of Jesus and his word are at the center of all that they do. If you want to learn about Jesus or grow in your walk with Jesus, I would recommend CCR!

Denesh Divyanathan
Pastor at The Crossing Church

Want to know more?

Join us at our Sundays gatherings and weekday Bible studies as we listen to Jesus’ life-giving Word!